Beer is one of the most popular drinks in the world. Due to its low alcohol content, it is considered harmless and is drunk without restrictions, which leads to the formation of a bad habit that imperceptibly turns into a disease - beer alcoholism.
Over time, most hop drinkers still realize the problem and then the question arises of how to get rid of the beer addiction. To fix this, it is best to act in several directions at the same time.
Acknowledging the problem
Considering that a low alcohol drink cannot be addictive and lead to serious dependence, many take the first step towards chronic beer alcoholism. One or two glasses a couple of times a week gradually turn into one or two or more liters, consumed regularly. And now it is absolutely normal to drink beer every night.
But even in this situation, not everyone can admit that there is a problem. To ease fatigue after work, go for it, make watching a movie more interesting - people make up hundreds of excuses, denying the fact that beer addiction has long won out over them and dominated them. Also, most beer fans at the moment believe that they can easily stop drinking as soon as they want, not realizing that control of the situation has long been lost.
That is why the first step to recovery should be to realize that the craving for drinking has become uncontrollable. By admitting to himself that the problem exists, the person tunes in to stop drinking beer every day as soon as possible.
How to get rid of beer addiction?
For those who are thinking about how to stop drinking beer every day for a loved one or themselves, many methods have been developed. If the bad habit has not yet passed into the last stage of beer alcoholism, you can try to cope on your own; otherwise, you will need the help of specialists.
First, you need to determine the reasons for the beer craving and then try to eliminate them. You should not be afraid of a sober life, it is enough to remember how you lived before the sparkling drink became a constant companion. After all, even then there were friends, interests, positive emotions, which means that all this can be returned without alcohol.
And it is very important to prepare for work. The desire to stop drinking is not enough, you will have to make a lot of efforts to achieve the result.
Psychological factors

It is very important to get rid of addiction on a psychological level. It is best to seek the help of a qualified therapist, but there are some steps you can take yourself.
It will be much easier to get rid of your beer cravings if you think about how you can relax and enjoy yourself. There are many options, for example, chat with a pet, massage, yoga, dance. A new hobby will fill the void left by the abandonment of beer parties.
A change in your environment can help you forget your addiction. Everything that reminds you of the old way of life is worth getting rid of. You can go further and do a reorganization or repair. If you have a tradition of drinking beer with your colleagues, you should consider changing jobs.
It is more difficult for women to stop drinking beer every day, because due to psychological characteristics, they quickly develop a strong addiction. And women don't need that much company and often drink alone, so no one may know about their addiction for a long time. To get rid of the habit of drinking beer, a woman needs to become more socially active, communicate with those who lead a healthy lifestyle.
Reduce beer consumption
Not everyone has the inner strength to give up beer immediately after making the decision to break the bad habit. So that the rejection of the intoxicated drink is not accompanied by constant stress, you must act consistently.
If there is a certain tradition, for example drinking beer in the evenings after work, you should not abandon it immediately. To start with, just gradually reduce the dose. "Drinking less" does not sound as scary as "quitting completely, " so the brain does not vigorously resist that attitude and the amount of alcohol will steadily decrease.
Gradually the craving for beer will weaken and then it will be possible to stop drinking altogether.
Treatment of physical addictions
It happens that a person, with all her might, cannot get rid of the habit of drinking beer on her own. Either you constantly break down or the rejection of alcohol is accompanied by real withdrawal symptoms: tremors in the limbs, migraines, muscle aches, arrhythmias, high blood pressure.

In such cases, you should seek the help of a specialist. After the examination and conversation with the patient, the doctor will give advice on how to get rid of beer addiction. The following methods are used:
- Detox dropper.Special drugs that help eliminate toxins, as well as useful substances and vitamins, enter the bloodstream to improve your well-being.
- Encoding.With the help of a blister sewn under the skin, by intravenous or intramuscular injection, the patient is injected with a substance that slows down the processing of ethanol. Therefore, when even a small amount of alcohol enters the body, symptoms of severe intoxication immediately appear.
- Antidepressants.The doctor prescribes sedatives so that the rejection of beer does not have negative consequences not only for the human body, but also for his psyche. They will help reduce irritability and aggression, improve sleep, and prevent the development of depression.
Treatment of alcohol dependence can only be done with the consent of the patient, having previously explained the therapy regimen and warned about the possible consequences.
Replacement of beer with other products
There are many drinks that can replace beer:
- kvass is an excellent alternative to beer due to the similarity of taste and consistency;
- freshly squeezed juices;
- freshly brewed natural coffee, cocoa, hot chocolate;
- loose green tea;
- mineral water with lemon juice.
If you drink berry or vegetable smoothies instead of beer, you can not only get rid of the bad habit, but also improve your well-being and also eliminate the beer belly.
Another substitute for beer at night is dried fruit or dried fruit. The main thing to remember is that these foods are high in calories, so you should observe the measure.
Find a new hobby
Many people drink beer simply because they have a lot of free time with nothing to do. The situation can be easily changed by finding something to do. Running or walking before bed, going to the gym, biking or skiing, rollerblading or rollerblading are great alternatives to beer.
For those addicted to television, there are also many interesting things, for example, carving wood or collecting puzzles. And someone can remember a childhood hobby and take pencils or paints. In any case, if the hobby is to your liking, you will soon get the thoughts of alcohol out of your head.
Treatment with home remedies

Both modern and time-tested home remedies will help you stop drinking beer on your own.
Most popular:
- Herbal decoctions with the addition of celery, European cleft claw, bearberry, St. John's wort;
- tinctures on thyme, bitter wormwood, centaur (they prevent the absorption of alcohol, creating the coding effect);
- teas with thyme, mint, calamus root, juniper berries.
Bee products such as propolis and honey are believed to reduce alcohol cravings.
Quitting the beer binge at home
Very often, an irrepressible craving for a sparkling drink leads to the fact that a person drinks daily, that is, binges on beer. It is possible to get rid of beer addiction at home if you act according to plan:
- The most important thing is a person's desire to stop drinking. Without this, no measures will help.
- It is necessary to reduce the amount of beer gradually, every next day drink half the previous day. In no case should you stop drinking alcohol suddenly, it is very dangerous to health. The body, accustomed to constantly receiving alcohol, suddenly deprived of the usual dose, can react with a sharp deterioration in well-being.
- The longer the breaks between drinks, the better. It is necessary to show resistance and not drink the entire daily dose at once, but divide it into parts and use it at 2-3 hour intervals. During the day, you need to drink a lot of clean water, to which you can add lemon juice and a little honey. The liquid will partly help quench your thirst for beer, but more importantly, it will help cleanse the body by removing toxins and alcohol residues.
- It is recommended to change the environment at least for a while.
- Smooth mode. It is very difficult on the body at the moment, so you should not burden it with excessive physical and even mental activity. Light movies, reading, short walks - this is what should be limited to a few days.
- Body support. Considering that for a long time the body was exposed to the negative effects of alcohol, now it needs to recover. Vitamins and other useful substances can help in this. Therefore, as soon as you improve a little, you should add a variety of "healthy" foods to the menu: vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, etc.
- Sedatives will help cope with recurrent irritability and normalize sleep. It is good to prepare tea with mint, valerian or lemon balm.

These guidelines will greatly facilitate the process of getting out of binges and getting rid of your beer addiction.
Prevention of beer alcoholism
Instead of thinking about how to get rid of beer addiction, it is more preferable to know how to prevent it. This is very important if a person has already fallen into an alcohol trap once or, for example, if there are children in the family who have reached adolescence.
The best preventive measure is reliable and detailed information about the harm that beer alcoholism can do to the body. In addition, it must be understood that not only health will be affected, but also relationships with loved ones. Promoting a healthy lifestyle and setting the right priorities will also help avoid the problem.
It will be easier for a person who once gave up beer to forget a bad habit if he avoids previous companies where he drank alcohol.
Giving up beer, especially if you drink it almost every day, is not as easy as it sounds. But if you realize the problem, make a decision and follow the planned plan, a positive result will not be long in coming. The main thing is to believe in yourself, not to withdraw and learn to look at seemingly familiar things differently.